Check Out 2025 Workshops!

Saturday April 5th 10:00 AM – Eva Perry Regional Library Apex ,NC

Saturday, May 3rd 10:00 AM Chatham Community Library – Pittsboro, NC

Wednesday, May 7th 7:00 PM Cary Regional Library, Cary North Carolina

Saturday, May 17th 10:00 AM Durham Arts Council – Durham, NC

CircleMusicNC is a community of artists based in central North Carolina, dedicated to bringing joy, healing and building community with music.

What Is Music Of The Circle? Music of The Circle is a collective musical improvisation that playfully blends voices, body percussion and movement. It uses musical games led by a facilitator, linked together in a flow that encourages cooperation and builds community. It is based on the work of Bobby McFerrinRhiannon and Brazil’s Música do Circlo.

Who is it for? It’s for anyone who wants to be more confident and connected to themselves and others and open new creative pathways in their lives. No experience needed. It is accessible to beginners and may challenge those with musical experience.

Testimony: “We really enjoyed Eric’s workshop! Our group bonded through music and movement in a way that we hadn’t before. We experienced so much delight and joy. Eric was able to accommodate one of our members with mobility issues, which I appreciated. I highly recommend Eric’s workshops” – Rev. Melissa Sparks

Course Offerings

Music of The Circle – Music For Everyone

Music of The Circle draws on traditions of chant, jazz, gospel, meditation and mindfulness to create one-of-a-kind choral improvisations. It is a judgement-free zone, accessible to beginning singers and may challenge those with experience. We will playfully learn the basics of making stuff up with vocal improv and body percussion and perform this spontaneously created music as a group. This workshop is based in the work of Bobby McFerrin and Brazils Música do Circulo.

Vocal River – The Skill and Spirit of Improvisation.

Vocal River is a methodology for collaborative vocal improvisation created by master improvisor Rhiannon . This workshop focuses on listening, forgiveness, generosity collaboration, building trust and confidence. This workshop is for experienced singers. Must be able to sing on pitch, and hold a simple vocal pattern (ostenado)


Eric Bannan is a vocal explorer, storyteller and singer/songwriter with over forty years of performing experience. In 2019, he spent a week studying with Bobby McFerrin and his amazing cadre of Circle Singers. This experience was the catalyst that launched his journey into the world of experiential music and improvisation. Since then he has been traveling the world to study and play. Eric has trained with Bobby McFerrin , Rhiannon, Judi Vinar and Brazil’s Música do Circulo.

Photo by Jonathan Byrd


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Banner Photos by Tati Wexler, Flavia Gomes and Daniel Volker